Learno lets teachers unlock the power of AI to personalise learning


Simple and flexible assignment creation

  • AI recommends creative assignments which teachers can use or teachers can write their own
  • Upload document(s) or share link(s) to relevant content (optional)
  • The AI grades how you want it to: you can give it a rubric or ask it to tailor one to your lesson goals

Every student has a personalised experience

  • AI builds learner profiles from student interactions on Learno platform and integrations with school LMS/SIS
  • Teachers can view/modify aspects of the learner profile
  • AI updates learner profiles as the student progresses on their academic journey

A secure learning environment

  • Teachers can look at all student-AI communication if they so choose
  • AI won’t allow students to take shortcuts
  • AI can communicate in >60 languages

Automated grading and personalised feedback

  • Our AI automates grading with a high level of accuracy to your rubric saving you loads of time, especially on essays
  • Teachers get a detailed breakdown of student performance
  • Students get in-depth feedback on where they went wrong and how they could make their work better
  • AI recommends personalised future assignments to remediate weaknesses and build on strengths

Use novel assignment types or traditional ones, all boosted by AI


Pedagogically designed conversation flows to teach, consolidate, or assess.


What's special?

Authentic assessment: defining a concept tests recall, explaining it demonstrates knowledge, but to teach requires understanding. Challenge your students to teach concepts back to our AI, Learno will probe student understanding layer by layer and let you know each student's true knowledge state.

Flipped classroom: presently you might ask students to read a chapter or watch a video. If they don’t understand the text/video, there’s not much they can do. If something peaks their interest, they can’t explore further. But with conversational assignments, our AI can re-explain things to resolve student doubts as well as capitalise on moments of curiosity to expand learning horizons.

Engagement: imagine learning about the Dandi march by interviewing Gandhi. Imagine being assessed on your understanding of market structures by debating Adam Smith. Sound exciting? Students doing conversational assignments on Learno seem to think so.


Essay assignments bespoke to your curriculum objectives and rubric.


What's special?

AI grading: use your own rubric, or select one of ours, and let Learno’s AI save you a bunch of time by taking over the burden of grading.

In-depth feedback: our AI gives detailed and insightful feedback at a level that isn’t feasible for the average teacher because teachers simply don’t have the time. Moreover, where teachers need days if not weeks to mark and give feedback on all assignments, teachers who use Learno can do that in an instant, getting feedback to students whilst the material is still fresh in their mind.

Writing coach for students: research shows that writing skills are best improved by giving learners constant feedback over multiple essay draft iterations. Teachers have the option to enable writing coach for students on an assignment-by-assignment basis.


Create quizzes with never-been-seen-before questions in minutes.


What's special?

Quiz your own material: upload a file or attach a web link, our AI will create unique questions (with right/wrong answer explanations) that test students on the content.

Long/short answer questions made easy: our AI can accurately auto-grade and give student feedback on long and short answers. Mix these into your quizzes to create more comprehensive assessments that give a better idea of your students true knowledge state.

Range of question types: choose to generate questions at varying difficulty level and in a range of different formats (multiple choice, multiple select, short answer, long answer etc) to create comprehensive assessments.

Curious to Learn more? Speak to us!

Create bespoke AI tutors to assist students 24/7

How it is different to Chat GPT?


Level up learning outcomes with Learno

Adaptive Learning Pathways

Our AI understands a student’s strength and weaknesses and recommends individualized assignments for students that is most relevant to their immediate learning needs.

Tackle AI Cheating

Student use of CheatGPTs cannot be detected by traditional plagiarism software. But because students do their assignments on our platform, we can help tackle AI cheating by monitoring them for academic integrity at input.

Delightful customer support

Learno is made by educators and we look forward to working closely with your teachers to help them get the most out of not just Learno but also AI in general.